Become a Personal Trainer

If you have been interested in learning how to become a personal fitness trainer, but you are unsure of what it takes to become one, there are a few things that you should know. First, personal trainers must attend class, obtain their Bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology or exercise psychology, and work for 4-5 years as a professional trainer before receiving their certification. Second, in order to qualify as a personal trainer, you must obtain your Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification. Third, in order to become a personal trainer, you must also complete a formal education and experience that focus on nutrition, exercise physiology, psychology, health management, and safety. Lastly, in order to be a trainer, you must also have a yearly recertification with the American Council on Exercise (ACFE).

So if you are thinking about how to become a fitness trainer, what you are going to learn here are some great resources that you can utilize to help you along the way! First, keep in mind that becoming a fitness trainer is a very rewarding career and job that have many potential benefits. Personal fitness trainers provide support, guidance, and instruction to their clients in an interactive one-on-one environment. Many trainers also provide strong support and encouragement to their members to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve personal fitness goals.

In addition to providing their members with this valuable service, personal trainers to assist their clients in making healthy lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. They help their clients overcome unhealthy behaviors and increase fitness through a combination of nutrition, exercise, and psychological counseling. Personal fitness trainers also facilitate group exercise classes that have participants from all ages, body types, and physical abilities. As an added benefit, most fitness classes consist of short breaks and snacks.

When considering a career as a trainer or instructor, take some time to explore all of the options. There are various certifications for fitness training that vary by state and country. If you are not sure what type of certification you need, contact the State Health Department for assistance. Once you know what it takes to obtain your fitness training certification, you can then begin the process of finding a qualified trainer to join your company. Keep in mind that the more education and experience you gain, the more pay you can expect to receive.

Once you have found a trainer and signed up to be certified, you may be asked to complete an exam to become a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer. You will likely be required to take the exam prior to taking the fitness course you are interested in attending. Completing the fitness certification exam and receiving your fitness certification is often times required before working in a particular facility. Some facilities will not hire a new employee until they have passed a certification exam.

One of the areas to improve a personal trainer’s client base is to add different qualifications, including sports massage and yoga. Indeed, massage training and yoga teacher training are elements a PT can add to their repertoire to make them more employable.

Fitness trainers are an extremely important part of our health and wellness community. Although there are many benefits to hiring personal trainers, there are also some drawbacks. First, personal trainers are very expensive to hire and keep on staff. In addition, there are generally only a few employees for every ten therapist clients.

These factors combined can lead to an economic hardship for many gym businesses if they do not take the steps necessary to increase their efficiency and productivity.